New energy, angle momentum and entropy balance approach to modelling climate and macroturbulent atmospheric dynamics, heat and mass transfer at macroscale. I. General Formalism
We present elements of a new non-stationary balance approach to modelling global mechanisms of climate and macro turbulent atmospheric low-frequency processes, including processes of heat-mass transfer at spatial and temporal macro scales, teleconnection effects etc. The main forming factor is a triplet of interacting solitons: "the planetary soliton of Hadley cells - the entire complex of atmospheric fronts - the Rossby soliton wave packet". The approach is based on the using balance relationships for entropy, energy and angular momentum, spectral theory of atmospheric macroturbulence, atmospheric moisture flow in further connection with the continuity of atmospheric circulation forms (teleconnection, genesis of fronts). Particular application is studying a spatial-temporal picture of the long-term atmospheric pollutants (including distribution of radionuclides after accidents at the nuclear power plant like Fukushima etc) in the atmosphere with accounting for the macro turbulent, circulation low-frequency processes.
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