Universal description of the biofilms growth dynamic in logistic model
We study experimental and theoretical dependences of growth dynamics of Pseudomonas aeruginsa biofilms and dynamics of yeast biomass growth. It is revealed that the process of growth of yeast biomass passes into the state of tmax three times faster than the formation of biofilm. Analysis of experimental data showed that the biofilm had been continuously growing in the first three days. After the third day, the accumulation of biomass in the biofilm stopped and for the next four days of biofilm observation it remained constant, which indicates competitive mechanisms of interaction. As can be seen, the population is stable at the second stage. Basic growth regimes of proximity with different dynamic characteristics are shown.
The universal description of the biofilms growth dynamic was obtained. Defined parameter of the biological population growth generalized dynamics t* uniquely characterized by N* determining parameter and control parameters α and β. The parameter α is determined by the ratio between the radius of individual activity of the population and the characteristic size of the area. The parameter β is determined by competitive interactions, properties of the environment and by cell-to-cell communication. The universal model was proved for Pseudomonas aeruginsa biofilm. The results of the experiments are consistent with the calculated data.
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